Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Place: True blood
Subject: jeniffer lee sharon's mother

Questions & Answers:

1. What do you think that people drinks alcohol with relating your job? Tell me your thinking about the people who drinks alcohol.

- Because my job is a nurse, I can see many people who commit fault after drinking. Normally, I know that alcohol improve our relationship with others and I agree the positive effect at that point in our life. Too many people forget the truth that alcohol give us not only big pleasure, but also great damage. Specially, the culture of university students connected with the alcohol is serious in USA.

That is to say, Too many problems like self-health problem, drinking and driving, domestic violence, and economical problem are neglected by the society that is comparatively tolerant about drinking. Like this drinking habit can make them alcoholic easily.

1-a. I have seen too many addicted people. What's your idea about alcohol addicted?

- USA is surveyed by the recent research that 13.7 percents of them is addicted. Alcoholic isn't only limited to an individual problem, but also is serious disease that can be negatively effected to all members of the family. In other words, the reason why alcoholic is a serious disease that alcoholic persons make not only them, but also his family, especially his mate, get sick together.

The case of university students is same. If they drinks too often, they enough to experience the toxic symptoms.

1-b. Can you define the meaning of "alcoholic"?

- The main ingredient of alcohol begun with development of human culture is a chemical substances called ethanol, and this is a one of the things that inhibit the central nerve. Moreover, ethanol make themselves calm down and fall asleep. If alcohol is adopted to our body, that is absorbed at the stomach or the intestines and enter the liver with following blood flow of the interior of the body. And then it has effect on every organs of the body. If you drink alcohol continuously and excessively, you are tend to depend on the alcohol physically and mentally. If this continuously progress, the abuse is induced not only to person, but also to family, job, and relationship. And that make them have the behavior disorder and lead to alcoholic that is one of the chronic disease. Alcoholic is serious disease.

2. If so, what relation is between alcohol and driving?

- The drinking and driving is serious problem that we have to treat with wider vision not a position of person or family, but a ground of nation. Recently, the social interest is high about alcohol and drinking. I know that other countries are interested in this problem too. When people drink, they can't think rightly and logically. And they make a mistake easily when the men who drank alcohol drive. Alcoho is unsuitable with driving.

3. Are you serious? And then, if the dependence of alcoholic about alcohol is too deep like that, can alcoholic be treated easily in a short time?

- About 10 percents of peoples who drink alcohol is alcoholic, and they can't stop that by their will. This disease affect their all thing involving body, mind and mental state. The special feature of this disease is the point that is serious, progressive, chronic, and critical. I think that alcoholic is chronic disease that injury their life, human relationships, or working and performing ability, and is influential to their family negatively with losing their ability to control by addictive drinking.

4. how do you think about alcohol? Is it good or bad?

- It is true that alcohol is a lubricating oil to university students of USA. If alcohol is applied to the party or any situations, they can enjoy their culture more freely. That is to say, alcohol is used to enjoy the party when they are university students and to confide a secret to friends. My word don't mean that Alcohol is always good. Do you agree that it is better not to drink when you drive? Ha-ha. The problem is not to drink alcohol, but to drive when you are drunken.

5. In your thinking, how do you do about alcohol when you are driving?

- I think that it is the best way to stop drinking alcohol when people drive. Because alcohol makes people not judge exactly, not to drink is the short way to save your life.

6. What relation is there between a happen and driving with drinking? Do you think that it is a comparison?

- I think that there is a such relationship. Of course, There is no serious discussion about drinking and driving excepting university student still now in USA. In Korea, is it discussed often?

my answer : Ok, Such that problems are coming to the front as the important and serious problem by many discussions in Korea. Because the culture to drink with others is necessary to make a good relation ship with others and to do work.

7. Lastly conclude about drinking and driving.

- My word is not that Alcohol is always bad thing. Only, when you drive, you need some like curving, changing direction, or keeping traffic lights. However, if you drink, the ability of your brain to judge such that situation will be decreased. Also, you make a mistake more easily although you can usually do well. Ha-ha. If you want to live long, not to think alcohol and driving may be good to you.

September 23, 2006

My Opinion:

September 23, 2006, on saturday afternoon, when my roommate mother who is a nurse come to our room at 5:50, we had an interview. Acoording to her, there are many aspects about alcohol and diving. Sometimes alcohol play a positive part, but usually alcohol is inversely proportional to driving. That is to say, it play a decisive role when we say about what related with alcohol, we are social, or we enjoy our university students life. And the alcohol culture that makes a relationship between man and wife, or boyfriend and girlfriend more friendly hold an important position in USA. But, we don't have to overlook that's defect with that's merit. Alcohol make us lose our judgments, and make mistakes more often. Alcohol have a power to make him a stupid person despite having a correct judgement, and a good concentration in ordinary times. Also, alcohol have a more weak point to go alcoholic. Although the number of them is a little, we don't have to neglect them.
In conclusion, when we live, alcohol can do good as a catalyst, but we always don't forget that the problem can be occurred. And, specially when you drive, not to drink alcohol protect your health, continue your life long, and help you to drive with keeping your judgement and mental power, definitely.

by Jin-Young(JIN)


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