Monday, September 25, 2006

alcohol abuse and your health

I went to alcohol abuse and your health web site and I found a lot of information related to alcohol's problems. You can see some facts and statistics such as health problems, and car accidents. This article mention especialy to universties students because they can hurt them selves by drinking a lot. So they can't make a control on them selves because they still young.

In my opinion I found this web site very interesting and useful, because alcohol's problems may cause a lot of problems in many fields such as health, money, sexuality, driving accidents, and society harms. So alcohol's problems it should be know to everyone to avoid its troubles. In other way you can give some advises to people who are use alcohol, too. This informaion on this web site may tell you about many important thing that can give you warning when you think to drink. Alcohol can lead to commite crimes, too. Many crimes happend under alcohol influance.

By Motref

Alcohol Abuse and Your Health

In this article “Alcohol Abuse and Your Health,” it mentions that the rate of drinking of the students who attend full-time university is normally higher than other students who didn't attend full-time university. The men is higher than women at the percent of the binge drinking or heavy drinking and, the number of the alcohol use and drinker is increasing and tend to increase by peoples' ages. However, although the number of people increased,, the rate of binge drinking or heavy drinking wasn't changed remarkably. According to this article, there is a relation between alcohol, brain, and heart. The brain of the man who overdrink alcohol is smaller, lighter, and more shrunken and chronic alcohol abuser and alcoholics are tend to lose their brains' ability. And proper drinking is good to the health, but overdrinking is harmful to the heart. Driving behavior is closely connected with alcohol, and more alcohol drinking. The more they drink, the more frequency of the crash and mistakes increase. Moreover, if eyes and vision are damaged, we can't judge rightly and the brain and muscles of the drunken person don''t operate correctly also, because most of the information the brain receive come through vision of eyes. Furthermore, when we drive we have to do 3-4 simultaneous tasks at the same time. But they can't do them because the people who drink alcohol can only focus and concentrate on one task.

I agree that there is a close relation between alcohol and driving. Although drinking is good for making good relation with others and living socially, the amount have to be proper. Not much. Of course I believe that the traffic fatalities like car crash are happened too much by the such reason that the function of our body like vision, decisions, and ability of the brain become worse in the case of the person who drink too much. But I can't say "never drink alcohol", because nowadays alcohol make people close, make them share their secret, and promote relation with not only same sex, but also other sex. However, the people who overdrink alcohol make mistakes or happening too much, and they often damage other people because of absence of right decision. When you drink alcohol, you have to keep in mind. I think that proper drinking offer us a good vitamin to live society. But Don't forget! "too much alcohol is NOT good for your life in many ways."


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Alcohol Abuse and Your Health

In this article “Alcohol Abuse and Your Health,” the author said full time students drink alcohol more than no full time students because full time student have strong stress from their task. Moreover, young generations who are 12years old are exposed by alcohol. As survey, a number of drinkers are getting increased. It is causes serious problems which is disease like a cancer, heart attack, and shrunken brain.

As this article, the author just referenced about age and parts of disease. I think whether depend on people get illness or not. Sometimes, drinking is good for our health; of course you have to moderate to drink yourself. I recognize that too much drink causes serious disease. fulltime students have more heavy stress than part time students. Due to the reason, they exercise any kind of sports and they have many times parties every week to reduce stress. It is drinking America culture; nobody can blame it because you already had experience before. I think that smoking is more harmful than drinking. It is additive and causes many kind diseases. Thus, to quit smoke is so harder than drinking. Hearting by alcohol is only few people. That’s why we don’t have to worry about drinking but you should keep moderating and controlling your mind. I don’t want to recommend you to drink with smoking. It is the fastest way to die. I would drink alcohol for reducing stress rather than smoke cigarette.

by Park, Jae-Yul

Alcohol Abuse and Your Health

First of all, the article, “Alcohol Abuse and Your Health,” it reports the statistics of alcohol abuse of young people, such as drinking too much and heavy drinking, and the rate of each term is increasing. Next, it mentions the relation between alcohol and health and how it affects brain and heart. According to several studies, alcohol indeed causes diseases. Furthermore, it writes the rate of alcohol-related driving accidents is higher than before, including fatal crashes. When a person drinks alcohol, his behavior will be affected. For instance, he can’t control the muscles of eyes, eyes and hands lose the function of working together, just focuses on one thing but ignore the other situation on the road, and can’t have good judgment when he drives. In the end, it emphasizes don’t drive when you drink alcohol for keeping yourself and the others safe.

Every day, we can see many fatal accidents related to alcohol, but it is still difficult to reduce the rate of alcohol driving, especially young people. Nowadays most of the youth have stable resource of life expense from parents. So they just focus on developing relationships with friends. And the abilities of binge and heavy drinking are the way to strengthen the friendship. It’s hard to let them know how painful the accident is until they get the experience in which they have to pay for it. However, people forget eventually, and the same story will be played circularly. Thus, the government should enact more severe laws of alcohol drinking and driving to prevent tragedies happening over and over again.

By Bi-Chien

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
