alcohol By Khalid Doubi
khalid doubi
I went to the police department in order to ask an officer a few questions about alcohol. I meet George, sen. And I started asking him question. First question was.” How many murder crimes do you face every month caused by alcohol on campus?” He said, “Not so much, when people go to dark places where there is nobody there might be some murder crimes. More often it is a social assault (He mentioned a story that happened last month). Advice for people: do not walk alone in the dark. My second question was, “What is the age that allows people to drink?” In all the 52 states 21 is the age to drink (we don’t deal with those). I asked him another question:” What is the punishment for underage drinking?” He said,” We issue a citation and then we sometimes contact their parents; its not as bad as Duz. (Store). In holidays, IL State has a campaign that increases patrolling through the holidays. My fourth question was, “What kind of violence do people do when they get drunk?” He said, “When people drink they are overly aggressive; they say words that had not meant to be said. When there is any physical aggression, verbal aggression as well. After that the fifth question was, “What do you do with people who fight and the reason is drinking?” He said, we warn them; if they continue to act violent we catch them. Oftentimes in public places the security asks them to leave. If they start again to be aggressive we detain them. My sixth question was, “What is the most dangerous place that people drink and fight? Why?” He said, “The place that there is a lot of people and there are a lot of alcohol, for example house party or some times parking lots. “My seventh question was, “Do you allow people to drink and drive? “He said, “Absolutely under no circumstances. If we catch them the license is immediately revoked and a citation is written. In addition we detain them. My last question was, “What about the security on campus, is it more on the weekend? “He said, No. on the weekend the campus is quiet but we usually do the usual round through the campus but during the weekdays it is crowded there.
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